Program Outline 

Program Modules 

1- Effective Communication Skills: 

Designed to Develop the Effective Communication Skills and how to use the Verbal & Non-Verbal Behavior

2-  Strategic Planning Basics: 

Though the world is going in depth with technology & digitalization, still the human asset dominates with the ability to plan and master thinking skills. While organizations can buy advanced technology and software, the highest competition goes for strategic thinkers and planners who play a pivotal role in the long-life success with distinguished organizational performance. This training is designed to address the recently observed need for the entry level and the front lines to get the basic knowledge and skills for strategic planning

3- The Power of Us: 

Designed to help you create a more professional, dynamic, effective work team that enjoys the work environment and consistently achieves more.

4- Foundation of HR: 

To Develop HR knowledge and comprehend the basics of HR for the practitioners and help them to improve their skills in terms of utilizing objectives in applying to their jobs.

5-  Business Etiquette: 

Helps participants understand the concepts of business etiquette and learn how to apply business etiquette rules in a wide variety of typical business situations.

6- Business Writing Skills: 

Is designed to Develop the Business Writing Skills and Explain the different between business documents (letters-e-mails-memos).

7- Sales Journey: 

Is designed to develop the selling skills through identifying the customer profile, needs & wants and life cycle, and emphasis the of cross selling and up selling.

8- Customer Care Mindset: 

Is designed to develop customer care through explaining how to manage conflicts, and use the communication effectively whether verbal or non-verbal, and how to influence the customer through our response whether face to face or via telephone call, all this is inseparable of reinforcement of Employee loyalty that would result in better performance level that would lead to Customer Loyalty.

9- CV Writing and Interviewing Skills: 

Is designed as the job market continues to change, as does the way we look for work. This will examines the value of presenting yourself as a complete package by using a resume as an introduction to an employer and backing it up with a portfolio presented at the interview. In order to make the most of module, participants need to have recently completed the Starting Your Job Search workshop or identified target positions and completed a full skills assessment and goal setting exercise.

10- Essentials of Marketing: 

Designed to develop the fundamental skills of those working in the field of marketing and related jobs in the financial industry.

11- Problem Solving Mindset: 

Participants will learn the definition of a problem, techniques of problem solving, characteristics of a good problem solver and how to communicate their decision.

12- Treasury Asset Classes – Types: 

This tutorial examines the main asset classes that are used to diversify an investment portfolio, including equities, fixed income, money market securities, real estate, and alternative assets.

13- Digital Banking: 

This tutorial looks at the digitalization of banking processes and how such processes are implemented, with a clear focus of cyber security and digital resilience. New business models such as APIs and open banking strategies and regulatory initiatives such as the Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) are also covered in detail. 

14- Consumer Banking – An Introduction: 

A critical effect of the global financial crisis was that it re-engaged the public with the workings of the financial system and its power to directly affect their economic wellbeing. This led to a re-evaluation of the role and purpose of banking by the political class. One of the outcomes of this was that the banking industry was directed to focus its attention on the needs of the “real” economy – the servicing of consumers and businesses – rather than perceived risky or speculative banking activities. However, while there is a political imperative for banks to serve the real economy, consumer banking activities are taking place in an environment of unprecedented regulatory activity and supervisory scrutiny. This tutorial provides an overview of the consumer/retail banking business, from its roots in the commercial banks of old that offered personal banking services to business owners to the growth of a mass-market industry and subsequent consumer banking product and channel development in the context of technologies such as the Internet and the smartphone.

15- Consumer Banking – Products: 

Most consumer banking products and services fit into fairly simple, broad functions such as checking/current and savings accounts, extending credit, and moving money. The product portfolio in a well-run consumer bank, unlike some other banking business lines, has the major benefit of a relatively stable risk profile because deposits tend to be constant and loans are not usually subject to wild fluctuations in terms of repayment performance. This tutorial describes how the consumer banking portfolio must be viewed with regard to all of a customer’s financial needs, and analyzes the revenue and cost dynamics within both individual products and across a product portfolio/consumer bank P&L.

16- Banking Channels Management: 

Since the widespread introduction of the ATM in the 1970s, consumer banking has seen a progressive expansion of alternative delivery channels to the bank branch. The impact of telephone banking, the Internet, and the mobile device has been so huge that these remote channels are now considered decidedly mainstream. This tutorial describes the evolution of the various remote channels and how they have affected branch banking dynamics. It outlines best practice in managing each individual channel and, critically, what principles must be observed to offer an integrated channel offering that takes an overall customer view rather than a narrow channel-oriented focus.

17- Credit Analysis – An Introduction: 

This tutorial introduces the concept of credit analysis and sets out the details of a structured approach that will help credit analysts and other interest parties to extract meaningful information from the key sources of financial data and information – the balance sheet, the income statement, and the statement of cash flows.

18- Trade Finance – An Introduction: 

Trade transactions present a number of potential difficulties for the parties – buyers (importers) and sellers (exporters) – involved in such transactions. These challenges include ascertaining a method of payment that is acceptable to both parties and obtaining access to appropriate products in order to finance transactions. This tutorial addresses these issues in detail as well as looking at various other aspects of trade finance.

19- Introduction for Financing Small and Medium Enterprises: 

This Training will explain the importance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as well as present the strategic significance SMEs; introduce to the participants the key characteristics of SMEs. The training will also present different sources of finance for SMEs

20- Introduction to Information Security: 

Refers to the processes and methodologies which are designed and implemented to protect print, electronic, or any other form of confidential, private and sensitive information or data from unauthorized access, use, misuse, disclosure, destruction, modification, or disruption.

21- FinTech: 

Used to refer to innovations in the financial and technology crossover space, and typically refers to companies or services that use technology to provide financial services to businesses or consumers.

22- Financial Literacy: 

The ability to understand how money works: how someone makes, manages and invests it, and also expends it (especially when one donates to charity) to help others.